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Naturopathic Services
Naturopathic Medicine is a complementary form of health care that believes that by providing the body with the proper tools, it has the ability to heal itself. Naturopathic Doctors are trained to treat an array of different concerns. An easy way to think about a Naturopathic Doctor, is as a family doctor but with different tools to treat the issues.
Naturopathic medicine is very similar to conventional medicine in that the assessment and diagnostic techniques involve a full intake, health history, screening physical and relevant lab tests. Where Naturopathic Medicine begins to differ from conventional medicine, is in it's form of treatment. Naturopathic doctors will treat using diet and lifestyle as the basis with the addition of specific supplements, herbs, homeopathics or acupuncture as needed.
Naturopathic Doctors are very comfortable working with medical doctors to achieve the best outcomes for your health and wellness!
Naturopathic medicine is very similar to conventional medicine in that the assessment and diagnostic techniques involve a full intake, health history, screening physical and relevant lab tests. Where Naturopathic Medicine begins to differ from conventional medicine, is in it's form of treatment. Naturopathic doctors will treat using diet and lifestyle as the basis with the addition of specific supplements, herbs, homeopathics or acupuncture as needed.
Naturopathic Doctors are very comfortable working with medical doctors to achieve the best outcomes for your health and wellness!
Dr Jessica Gurske, Naturopathic Doctor Kitchener Waterloo
Vibrant Living Naturopathic and Wellness Centre
75 Regina St N Waterloo, On (519) 772-0292
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75 Regina St N Waterloo, On (519) 772-0292
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